Cooperative Extension

Stack, Lichtenwalner in News Report on Lack of Snow

University of Maine Cooperative Extension specialists Anne Lichtenwalner and Lois Berg Stack appeared in a Channel 2 (WLBZ) news report Tuesday on some of the effects of the lack of snow this winter. Stack, an ornamental horticulturist, said the lack of snow exposes plant roots to freezing without a protective blanket of snow on the […]

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Extension Expert Comments on the Future of Farming

UMaine Cooperative Extension professor and water and soil quality specialist John Jemison was interviewed for a WCHS-TV report from the 71st Maine Agricultural Show about the future of farming. Jemison, who presented findings of a study done to determine where Maine farmers see their industry headed, said high energy costs and a lack of infrastructure […]

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Extension Specialist Comments on Seeds

A Kennebec Journal report on additions to the state’s list of genetically engineered seeds grown in Maine included comments from UMaine Cooperative Extension water and soil specialist John Jemison, Jr. Jemison, who serves on the Maine Board of Pesticide Control, headed up the board’s technical advisory committee that looked into two Bt-corn products that have […]

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Dill Comments on Invasive Fruit Fly

Jim Dill, a UMaine Cooperative Extension pest management specialist, was quoted in a Maine Public Broadcasting Network radio story about an Asian fruit fly which has been found in five monitoring locations in Maine. Dill said the pest could decimate Maine’s $190 million blueberry harvest. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Dill Comments in Channel 8 Report on Fruit Fly Threat

Comments by Jim Dill, University of Maine Cooperative Extension educator and pest management specialist, are included in a story by Channel 8 (WMTW) in Portland on the discovery of an Asian fruit fly that has recently been identified in Maine. Soft-skinned fruit like blueberries and raspberries, and possibly vegetables, are most at risk regardless of […]

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Blueberry Expert in Boston Globe

In a story about an Asian fruit fly that has made its way to Maine, the Boston Globe included quotes from UMaine Cooperative Extension blueberry expert David Yarborough. He told the Globe the pest lays its eggs in soft blueberries, which destroys the fruit, and can devastate a berry crop. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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Yarborough Interviewed for Asian Fruit Fly Report

University of Maine Cooperative Extension blueberry specialist David Yarborough was interviewed for a Bangor Daily News report on a new pest, the spotted-wing Asian fruit fly or Drosophila melanogaster, which has been identified for the first time in Maine. It poses a new threat to Maine cranberry and blueberry crops. Yarborough says growers must consider […]

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Experts Assess Effects of Mild Weather, Lack of Snow

The unseasonably mild falls and early winter may have caused a few forsythias, rhododendrons and blueberries to flower in some parts of the state later than usual, but the warm and largely snowless winter isn’t expected to significantly affect wildlife or plant cycles, according to several University of Maine Cooperative Extension specialists.

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Extension Homemakers Report in Sun Journal

A report about a recent meeting of the Franklin County Extension Homemakers Advisory group, a partner of UMaine’s Cooperative Extension, was included in the Lewiston Sun Journal. The report noted Deborah Killam, an associate extension professor, was introduced as the Maine Extension Homemaker Council Advisor for 2012. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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