
Art Education Students to Give Presentation on Shaw House Fundraising Project

University of Maine students in an advanced art education course will give a presentation on their art service learning project at 6 p.m. Thursday, April 3 in 100 Lord Hall. Charlotte Gaylord, Julie Roach and Lowansa Sprague Tompkins will speak about the art-making and fundraising project they created to aid the purchase of musical instruments […]

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Retiring Professor Takes Part in Faculty Voice Recital

A University of Maine Faculty Voice Recital featuring retiring music professor Ludlow Hallman and three colleagues will be held at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 4, in Minsky Recital Hall on campus. Soprano Karen Pendleton, mezzo-soprano Marcia Gronewold Sly and tenor Francis John Vogt will join Hallman, a baritone, for a program of music by Beethoven, […]

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Chamber Jazz Ensemble Takes the Stage April 1

The University of Maine Chamber Jazz Ensemble will perform at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 1, at Minsky Recital Hall. Karel Lidral, pianist and director of the ensemble, will be retiring from the School of Performing Arts Division of Music at the conclusion of the academic year. In addition to teaching and directing, Lidral has performed […]

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The Lidral Duo to Appear on ‘The Nite Show’

University of Maine associate professor of music Karel A. Lidral will tape a performance with The Lidral Duo on “The Nite Show with Dan Cashman” at 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 2, at the Next Generation Theatre, 39 Center St., Brewer. The jazz duo includes Karel Lidral on soprano saxophone and Terry Lidral on piano. Tickets […]

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Symphonic Band to Perform Free Concerts on Spring Tour

The University of Maine Symphonic Band will kick off a four-day, nine-performance spring tour April 2. The 45-member instrumental ensemble will perform four free 7 p.m. concerts for the public on its swing through Maine — Wednesday, April 2 at Bucksport High School; Thursday, April 3 at Camden Hills Regional High School in Rockport; Friday, […]

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WABI Advances Army Field Band and Soldiers’ Chorus Concert at CCA

WABI (Channel 5) previewed the March 31 performance of the United States Army Field Band and Soldiers’ Chorus at the Collins Center for the Arts. The University of Maine School of Performing Arts and the Bangor Daily News are sponsoring the show, which will include 16 UMaine students as guest performers and Christopher White, UMaine […]

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Maine Edge Interviews Cox About University Singers Tour

The Maine Edge spoke with Dennis Cox, professor of music and director of the Choral Music Program at the University of Maine, about the University Singers’ spring tour. Over spring break, the group performed free public concerts in Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Cox, who plans to retire at the end of the school year, […]

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WABI Reports on Students Assisting Youth at Shaw House

WABI (Channel 5) reported on University of Maine art students helping at-risk youth at the Shaw House in Bangor. The UMaine students delivered raw materials to Shaw House for youth to use to make pins. The pins, which range from found art to sculptures, are for sale at Metropolitan Soul and The Rock and Art […]

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UMMA Mentioned in Sentinel Piece About Marin

The University of Maine Museum of Art was mentioned in the Morning Sentinel’s article about modernist painter John Marin’s daughter-in-law giving nearly 300 watercolors, drawings and sketchbooks to the Arkansas Arts Center. UMMA has 26 pieces painted by Marin, who The New York Times described in 1953 as “America’s No. 1 Master.”

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