Aging Research

Media advances JAX, UMaine Alzheimer’s dementia research

ScienceDaily and News Medical advanced a media release about a Jackson Laboratory- and University of Maine-led research team discovering a connection between the gene Dlgap2 and Alzheimer’s dementia. Catherine Kaczorowski, associate professor and Evnin family chair in Alzheimer’s research at The Jackson Laboratory (JAX), and adjunct professor with the UMaine Graduate School of Biomedical Science […]

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Providence Journal interviews Crittenden about grandparents raising grandchildren during COVID-19

The Providence Journal interviewed Jennifer Crittenden, associate director at the University of Maine Center on Aging, about the challenges grandparents who raise their grandchildren face during the coronavirus pandemic. Many grandparents have relied on school, Pre-K and daycare to provide care for their grandchildren while they worked, completed chores, or rested, according to the article. […]

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UMaine Health Connection Chats continue in June–July

UMaine Health Connection Chats continue this month and will explore various topics such as home gardening, summertime pests and staying healthy during the coronavirus pandemic. The University of Maine Center on Aging and its community sponsors host the free online chats from 11 a.m.–noon every Wednesday via Zoom. They provide practical information and tips for […]

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Press Herald reports on funding for Center on Aging

The Portland Press Herald reported on the UMaine Center on Aging at the University of Maine receiving $30,000 from the John T. Gorman Foundation for its Senior Companion Program.The program offers homebound seniors volunteer companions who spend 15 hours with them each week, an effort to help reduce their isolation and help them live at […]

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BDN publishes Center on Aging Director Kaye’s opinion piece

The Bangor Daily News published a guest column by Lenard Kaye, a professor of social work and director of the University of Maine Center on Aging, titled “Older adults are facing dual public health emergencies.” Kaye is a member of the Maine chapter of the national Scholars Strategy Network, which brings together scholars across the […]

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Chat series to offer at-risk residents tips to stay healthy 

The University of Maine will host a new chat series that will provide pertinent information and tips for staying healthy during the coronavirus outbreak for senior citizens and other high-risk residents.  “UMaine Health Connection Chats” will be held from 11 a.m. to noon every Wednesday starting April 15. The meetings will be held on Zoom, […]

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Bangor-area participants sought for survey about hospice, end-of-life care

Bangor-area adults are invited to participate in an anonymous online survey about hospice and end-of-life care. The University of Maine Center on Aging, working in partnership with the Collaborative for Hospice and End of Life Care, are conducting the survey to assess needs of adults and caregivers living and working in a 25-mile radius of […]

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