Earth, Life, and Health Sciences

Graduate Student Publishes Financial ‘Attitudes’ Book

ORONO — University of Maine master’s student and personal financial planner Sarah Morehead has recently published a book, I Hate Money! Understanding Your Financial Attitude, presenting the basics of finance and consumer attitudes that can interfere with sensible handling of money and credit.

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Thomson Auction, Watershed Research, PechaKucha In Weekly

The Weekly has a series of briefs about several upcoming UMaine projects and events, including a student poster session next Tuesday at John Bapst High School in Bangor to highlight local high school students’ research on mercury in watersheds. The students have been working with researcher Sarah Nelson of UMaine’s Senator George J. Mitchell Center […]

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Grad Students Selected for NSF Green Chemistry Travel Grants

Two graduate students, members of the Research Group for Industrial Ecology, LCA and Systems Sustainability (IELCASS) at UMaine, have received National Science Foundation travel grants to present research projects at the 15th Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference and 5th International Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry in June.

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Nova Scotia paper reports on lobster shell golf balls

The Vanguard, a Nova Scotia newspaper, is the latest to report on the lobster shell golf ball initiative of UMaine’s Dept. of Chemical and Biological Engineering and its Lobster Institute. The story includes comments from engineering Prof. David Neivandt, who is working on the project with student Alex Caddell and Lobster Institute Executive Director Prof. […]

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British Newspaper Features UMaine Ice Core Video

The Guardian newspaper’s Punctuated Equilibrium blog has a story and video about ice core research being performed at UMaine’s Climate Change Institute. UMaine Ph.D. student Bess Koffman and undergraduate Eliza Kane were interviewed for the UMaine-produced video, which was featured Wednesday on the Science360 website.

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NSF Website Highlights Ice Core Research

The National Science Foundation website Science360 posted a UMaine-produced video featuring students Bess Koffman and Eliza Kane, who are shown melting ice cores stored at UMaine’s Climate Change Institute facility. The cores, which represent about 2,500 years of ice, were from western Antarctica. Koffman is a Ph.D. student in earth science and Kane is an […]

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Page Farm & Home Museum Plant Sale May 20-21

The Page Farm and Home Museum will hold an heirloom plant and seedling sale, rain or shine, Friday and Saturday, May 20 & 21, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Proceeds support the museum’s spring planting, garden programs and materials.

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Glaciologist Quoted In Report On Arctic

A story on the Voice of America website includes comments from UMaine glaciologist Gordon Hamilton, who told VOA conditions in the Arctic have changed dramatically since a 2007 United Nations report on climate change. Estimates on sea level rise, Hamilton said, have been underestimated and could be at least twice as large as the upper […]

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Birdfeeder Tips On Website

The Village Soup website has a story about and list of UMaine Cooperative Extension tips for cleaning wild bird feeders. UMaine veterinarian Anne Lichtenwalner says spring means an increase in birds congregating at feeders, which can carry diseases and should be sanitized and cleaned. Contact: Jessica Bloch, 207-581-3777

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UMaine Ph.D. student in bird-banding center story

Adrienne Leppold, a UMaine Ph.D. student, is one of the experts featured in a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette story reporting on the 50th year of work at the Powdermill Avian Research Center near Rector, Penn.  Operated by the Carnegie Museum of Natural History as a research facility, the center is “one of the longest-running bird-banding stations in […]

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