Earth, Life, and Health Sciences

New Hampshire Public Radio interviews Mech on browntail moths

New Hampshire Public Radio interviewed Angela Mech, assistant professor of forest entomology at the University of Maine, on browntail moths. “It’s a very short window. Once the outbreak ends, there isn’t going to be enough browntail to really research for another 10 to 15 years. So we’re trying to cram in as many research projects […]

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News Center Maine features research on ticks and invasive plant species

News Center Maine covered research from the University of Maine a new study to determine if controlling unwelcome forest plants also reduces densities of ticks, and how landowners can best apply and share that information. “They tend to grow these very dense thickets. They kind of grow out of control. That’s what invasives do.” said […]

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ABC 8 interviews Mech on spruce budworms

WMTW (ABC 8 in Portland) interviewed Angela Mech, assistant professor of forest entomology at the University of Maine, on what could happen to Maine forests if there is an outbreak of the spruce budworm. “Spruce Budworm is actually a native insect. It’s normally here all the time, but in very low densities, we can’t normally […]

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UMaine researchers present at AAAS annual meeting

Three University of Maine faculty — Heather Leslie, Sydne Record and Brenda Hall — spoke at the annual meeting for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) on Feb. 14. AAAS is the world’s largest multidisciplinary scientific society and a leading publisher of cutting-edge research.  Leslie, professor of marine science who was named […]

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Graduates of UMaine nursing program boost primary care in rural areas

In its first academic year, the Advanced Nursing Education Workforce program (ANEW) at the University of Maine supported 23 trainees and seven graduates who are providing care in rural, medically underserved communities across the state.  Recognizing the need for more family nurse practitioners (FNPs), UMaine’s School of Nursing launched the program in 2023 to financially […]

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Expansion of corn crop pest into New England a possibility, UMaine study finds 

While New England is well known for commodities such as maple syrup, wild blueberries and cranberries, its reputation for sweets extends to another crop: sweet corn. The 2023-24 crop production report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture showed the region produced just under 3 million tons of corn, of which Vermont contributed approximately half and […]

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Press Herald interviews Rubin on the economic impact of winters in Maine

The Portland Press Herald interviewed Jonathan Rubin, professor of resources economics and policy at the University of Maine, on how to assess the economic impact of mild winters in Maine and their cultural importance to the state. “There are winners and losers,” said Rubin, also director of the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center “Some of […]

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