Robin Arnold named 2023 Outstanding Classified Employee
Robin Arnold, administrative specialist for financial services at the University of Maine School of Social Work, was named the 2023 Outstanding Classified Employee by the Classified Employees Advisory Council (CEAC).
The award recognizes classified employees’ exceptional service and dedication to UMaine, increasing the campus community’s awareness of the indispensable contributions that represented and nonrepresented classified employees make to the quality, diversity and overall mission of the university. Award winners receive $1,000 in recognition of their contributions.
Arnold joined the UMaine community in 1986. Over the past 37 years, she held various administrative and finance positions with the School of Marine Sciences, Division of Lifelong Learning, the Center on Aging and the School of Social Work. She earned a bachelor’s degree in earth and climate sciences during her tenure, and has been working on obtaining a master’s degree in the same field.
Outside of her many positions, Arnold has also supported UMaine through numerous service activities. A few examples include co-founding the Black Bear Exchange and participating in the 2005-06 UMaine President’s Search Committee, the Blue Sky Initiative, the President’s Council on Women, the Maryann Hartman Award Selection Committee and the Steve Gould Philanthropic Selection Committee.
The multiple faculty and staff who wrote letters of support for Arnold’s award nomination cited her diverse and versatile skill set, extensive knowledge of finance and university operations, strong work ethic, altruism and passion for UMaine.
“Robin’s decades of service to the university, her commitment to excellence and professionalism in her current position (and, I am sure, all the UMaine positions she held before); her inspirational leadership and mentorship to students, staff and faculty; and her enduring dedication to the UMaine community are indeed outstanding and make her a superb candidate for this award,” wrote Sandy Butler, director of the School of Social Work, in her nomination letter.