Witter Center’s dairy herd ranked eighth in the nation
The herd of Holsteins at the University of Maine’s J.F. Witter Teaching and Research Center is among ten best at U.S. colleges and universities, an annual ranking by the Holstein Association says.
The 26-cow herd placed third in New England and tied for eighth in the association’s nationwide 2022 Breed Age Average ranking. Breed Age Average compares the characteristics of an animal or herd to the breed’s average for an animal of similar age and stage of lactation. The Witter Center’s ranking is a product of careful stewardship of the herd’s breeding program.
UMaine’s dairy is managed by the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station, and provides hundreds of animal and veterinary science students hands-on livestock experience each year. It also serves as a living laboratory for faculty who research innovative approaches to livestock care and feed production.
To support the Experiment Station’s farms visit our.umaine.edu/farms