UMaine faculty present research, Biddle honored at rural education forum
University of Maine associate professor of educational leadership Catharine Biddle was honored with two awards at last week’s National Forum to Advance Rural Education, hosted by the National Rural Education Association in Green Bay, WI. Biddle and colleagues Sara Hartman of Ohio University; J. Kessa Roberts of Southern Methodist University; Sarah Schmitt-Wilson of Montana State University; Erin McHenry-Sorber of West Virginia University; and Pamela Buffington of the Education Development Center received the Best Research Paper Award for the 2022–2027 Rural Education Research Agenda. They also received the Distinguished Service Award for their work developing the agenda.
Biddle and lecturer in educational leadership Maria Frankland presented a research paper at the forum “All Hands on Deck? Superintendent Resource Utilization During Crisis Schooling,” part of their Beyond Crisis Schooling project. UMaine assistant professor of higher education Kathleen Gillon, Biddle and Eklou Amendah, assistant professor of marketing at the University of Southern Maine, presented a paper, “Beyond Practicums: Undergraduate Research Experiences as Pathways to Rural Realities.” Ryan Crane, a recent 2022 graduate of the Doctor of Education in
Educational Leadership Program at UMaine, presented research from his dissertation, “Adaptive Leadership Practices for Rural Education.”