Mitchell Center to partner with AAAS to develop the Maine Local Science Engagement Network
In collaboration with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions at the University of Maine has initiated planning for the Maine Local Science Engagement Network (LSEN).
The Maine LSEN will facilitate the development of local and statewide collaborations to address challenges and opportunities related to Maine’s environmental, social and economic future. The partnership will help scientists, engineers and other researchers engage with diverse stakeholders and ensure that science has a “seat at the table” in planning for the future.
The Maine LSEN will help establish, train and guide cohorts of scientists who want to provide impartial, easy-to-understand and locally relevant information on policy issues and other concerns of importance to Maine communities and decision-makers. The Maine LSEN builds on the Mitchell Center’s 15 years of experience supporting innovative collaborations across a dozen Maine institutions in which interdisciplinary teams of faculty and students collaborate with partners representing the public and private sectors, tribal nations, non-governmental organizations and civil society.
A Leadership Council of scientists from across the University of Maine System is helping to guide the planning process. The group includes David Hart, Heather Leslie, Bridie McGreavy, Linda Silka and Ruth Hallsworth from the University of Maine; Firooza Pavri from the University of Southern Maine and Jesse Minor from the University of Maine at Farmington.