Three UMaine students isolating after testing positive for COVID-19
Orono, Maine — Two University of Maine students living off campus in Orono and one student living in a fraternity house have tested positive for COVID-19. Maine Center for Disease Control protocols are in place.
The students are in isolation and their close contacts are in self-quarantine.
One of the students participated in the asymptomatic testing program on campus; the others were tested at alternative sites.
Following public health protocols, the Maine CDC is managing the cases.
The University of Maine’s phase one testing program is working as intended. UMaine has identified its first case of asymptomatic infection through that program. The university will be following its comprehensive, science-based plans to maintain vigilance and support all known affected individuals, and to trace and isolate to minimize the spread of the virus and keep the UMaine community safe.
The University of Maine System dashboard provides updates and transparency on asymptomatic on-campus tests being conducted at UMaine and across UMS to keep students and communities safe. Per reporting protocols, only individuals testing positive through the university’s testing program are noted on the dashboard and updates are made the day following reports.
UMaine will continue to provide updates as appropriate in Friday Futurecasts. Information about CDC-led university protocols regarding outbreaks is online.
Members of the UMaine community are reminded that it is critically important that they stay home if they are sick. The CDC guidance on coronavirus symptoms is online. For questions related to the UMaine community, call the COVID information line, 207.581.2681.