President Ferrini-Mundy cited in release about support for research community

A news release issued by Sen. Susan Collins on Aug. 17 regarding cosponsorship of bipartisan legislation to support the research community during the COVID-19 pandemic quoted University of Maine and University of Maine at Machias President Joan Ferrini-Mundy. “Federally funded research at the University of Maine has grown our local natural resource economy, strengthened the state’s quality of life and environment, safeguarded American troops, and sustained thousands of good-paying Maine jobs,” President Ferrini-Mundy said. ”COVID-19 caused unprecedented disruption to our research laboratories and centers, which pivoted quickly to meeting the pandemic-related needs of the state, from producing hand sanitizer to innovating PPE to protect frontline health workers. As president of the state’s only public research university, I thank Senator Collins for her leadership in cosponsoring the bipartisan RISE Act, which will help us restart the research and development projects stalled by the coronavirus that are essential to Maine’s economic recovery, national security and global competitiveness.”