The Conversation publishes article from Socolow about news coverage
The Conversation published an article by Michael Socolow, associate professor of communication and journalism at the University of Maine, titled “Aiming for novelty in coronavirus coverage, journalists end up sensationalizing the trivial and untrue.” Socolow writes that news organizations’ effort to disseminate new information as fast as possible may cause them to forgo stories that could yield more public benefit. They may overlook following, reminding the public of, or delving deeper into current and ongoing issues, he writes. The coronavirus outbreak has many angles that journalists have yet to explore. “News isn’t always what’s new. Sometimes it’s the barely perceptible moments that tired journalists might overlook,” Socolow writes. “Failure to capture and communicate those stories, because they might not contain the most recent morsel of information, could have political consequences today, and could misinform historians portraying this pandemic tomorrow.” The Telegraph and Midland Daily News shared the article.