BDN reports on UMaine coaches joining effort to reinforce COVID-19 guidance
The Bangor Daily News reported that two University of Maine basketball coaches, Richard Barron and Amy Vachon, joined an effort to promote the guidance issued to prevent the spread of COVID-19 through social media. Team New England, which includes the two UMaine coaches and 43 others from the 23 Division I schools, wants to capitalize on the coaches’ influence to inform and reinforce the importance of state and federal guidance for the pandemic. “We felt like there might be some people we could reach who would hear the guidelines either for the first time or in a way that would encourage compliance,”Barron said. “And we also wanted to say thank you publicly to those who are on the front lines.” Vachon shared a video message about the outbreak on Twitter. “Along with all the other coaches in New England, we want to reach out to our fans and let you know we’re thinking about you,” she said in the video. “I know this is a really, really hard time right now and some days are a lot tougher than others. But we’re going to get through this.”