BDN reports on research to make invasive green crabs palatable 

The Bangor Daily News reported on research at the University of Maine that aims to make invasive green crabs more palatable. Denise Skonberg, associate professor of food science at UMaine, has been working with green crabs for more than 15 years, the BDN reported. “There’s tons of money [in selling] softshell green crab, but only a tiny percentage of the green crab that you harvest [is] soft shell,” Skonberg said. “What do you do with all the rest?” You have to do something that’s value added in order to make it worthwhile.” Skonberg and other researchers have so far piloted a fish sauce, empanadas and dog treats. In April 2019, Angela Myracle, assistant professor of human nutrition, developed dog treats made of processed green crabs, the BDN reported. “A dog is not as particular,” Myracle said. “If you grind it up, it’s not like you’re crunching on shell. It’s a healthy and nutritious treat. You’re getting the benefit from the calcium and fiber in addition to the protein that’s in the meat of the crab.”