BDN cites Aquaculture Research Institute report in article on proposed fish farms
The Bangor Daily News cited the 2017 Maine Aquaculture Economic Impact Report published by the University of Maine Aquaculture Research Institute in an article about proposed fish farms. Ohad Maiman of Kingfish Zeeland in the Netherlands told the BDN he would like to build a land-based yellowtail fish farm somewhere in Maine, but the relentless opposition that some have shown to Nordic Aquafarms’ proposed Belfast salmon farm has made him proceed with caution. Belfast’s experience with fish farm opponents is gaining the midcoast city and, to some degree, the entire state of Maine a reputation among aquaculture professionals, according to Maiman. He said the Belfast situation could throw cold water on the state’s ability to play an important role in the growing industry. According to the 2017 ARI report, aquaculture is the fastest-growing food production sector in the world, gaining 6.2 percent annually between 2000 and 2012, the article states. Maine Public carried the BDN report.