Boothbay Register interviews UMaine scholarship winner

Boothbay Register interviewed Blake Erhard, a Boothbay Region High School student, first-place winner in the Maine State Science Fair, and winner of a Maine Top Scholar scholarship from the University of Maine. The four-year, full-tuition scholarship includes a research stipend for a subject of Erhard’s choosing, and automatic admission to UMaine’s Honors College, according to the article. Erhard teamed up with fellow BRHS student Lilley Harris to create a shot cap that disguises needles to lower anxiety in pediatric patients, which won first place in the biomedical and health sciences category at the fair. They also won Reach Awards, which go to submissions from schools that have not participated in the fair at all or for several years and have performed exceptionally, the article states. “I wasn’t really worried because I didn’t think we were going to do that well,” said Erhard. But following their success at the fair, the pair hopes to continue working together to patent a new version of their project, the Boothbay Register reported.