The Ellsworth American speaks with Bicks about Shakespeare recipe book

The Ellsworth American spoke with Caroline Bicks, a professor of English and the current Stephen E. King Chair in Literature at the University of Maine, about a book she co-wrote with Michelle Ephraim, an associate professor in humanities at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. The book, “Shakespeare, Not Stirred: Cocktails for Your Everyday Dramas,” was published in 2015 and contains cocktail and hors d’oeuvre recipes inspired by Shakespeare’s characters, as well as historical anecdotes about the playwright and his works. “We wanted to find a way to experiment with humorous writing and Shakespeare,” said Bicks. “We really wrote it to make ourselves laugh and help us through the slog of everyday.” Earlier this month, the book was listed on Business Insiders’ “22 Unique Gift Ideas for Everyone in the Family,” according to the article. “I’m pleasantly surprised when it shows up on gift lists,” Bicks said.