carries UMaine release on study of ecological traps to reduce mosquito-borne pathogens carried a University of Maine news release about a study on ecological traps as a way to control mosquito populations and reduce the incidence of mosquito-borne pathogens. The study, “Discovery and exploitation of a natural ecological trap for a mosquito disease vector,” was led by Allison Gardner, an assistant professor of arthropod vector biology at UMaine. “The abundance of mosquitoes in aquatic habitats and the efficacy of conventional insecticides for juvenile mosquito control are strongly influenced by variables such as rainfall, water chemistry, and the species and structure of terrestrial vegetation in the surrounding environment,” said Gardner. “This suggests that ecologically based strategies could complement insecticide use for environmentally safe and sustainable mosquito abatement.” The research findings indicate that certain leaf litter types have the potential for development of novel mosquito control strategies, including using oviposition attractants to convince females to lay eggs in unsuitable locations, the release states. R&D Magazine also reported on the research.