Brewer quoted in ‘Maine Things Considered’ report on voter turnout

Mark Brewer, a professor of political science at the University of Maine, was quoted in a Maine Public “Maine Things Considered” report on Maine voter turnout. Election officials in Maine are reporting a spike in requests for absentee ballots, and one third of all ballots cast could be absentee, according to Maine Public. Increased voter interest in this particular midterm election cycle could play a role, possibly influenced by millions of dollars of spending in the races both for governor and representative for the 2nd Congressional District, Brewer said. “Or is it more, kind of, a national-something that is driving this, whether that be unhappiness with the president or something else,” said Brewer. “That is the interesting question. My guess is it’s probably both.” But he questioned the reliability of predictions. “Just because an absentee is requested obviously it doesn’t mean it will be turned in. But I think it is definitely pointing to the direction of a stronger turnout,” said Brewer.