Hutchinson Center to host voter education presentation
The University of Maine Hutchinson Center in Belfast will host a presentation and discussion on voter education by Susan Hill on Sept. 26.
The nonpartisan event, slated for 6–8 p.m., will include topics on voter registration, safe election procedures, voting districts, political party office locations, the list of offices and initiatives on the November ballot, and opportunities for involvement in the political process. It will not involve discussion of the merits of candidates and/or initiatives.
Hill is an educator, artist and author engaged in diverse, creative community projects and sustained educational programs. She directed the University of California, Los Angeles community service organization Artsreach, and was an instructor for UCLA Extension and a faculty member at Otis College of Art and Design. Hill, who now lives in Belfast, has been an active volunteer in local and national political campaigns since 2008.
The event is free and open to the public; online registration is required.
For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, call Nancy Bergerson, 338.8049.