WABI interviews Richards about proficiency-based learning standards

Christopher Richards, director of recruitment at the University of Maine, spoke with WABI (Channel 5) for a report about the state’s  proficiency-based learning standards. In 2021, Maine high school students will graduate with a new type of diploma, providing they show proficiency in eight areas, according to the report. Richards said it is important for schools to create profiles for students that allow for better understanding of proficiency-based transcripts. “As an institution, you make a decision on is the student capable of the work and do they meet entrance requirements, and have a chance at being successful? That’s really what admission criteria are, and a transcript is nothing more than a document that explains what a student has done and how they’ve performed,” Richards said, adding UMaine is expecting the number of proficiency-based transcripts to increase in the coming years as more high schools make the transition. He said many schools have been proactive in contacting his office about proposed changes in transcripts, and asking for more information.