Innovation, infrastructure and digital learning the focus of April 6 presentation

“Innovation, Infrastructure and Digital Learning” will be the focus of a presentation at 9 a.m. April 6 in 57 Stodder Hall by Casey Green, founding director of the Campus Computing Project.

The event is sponsored by the Division of Academic Affairs, and the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning. The Campus Computing Project is the largest continuing study of the role of eLearning and information technology in American colleges and universities.

Green also directs the Digital Fellows Project of the Association of Chief Academic Officers, and is the moderator and co-producer of “To A Degree,” the postsecondary success podcast of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He is the author or editor of about 20 books and has published research reports and more than 100 articles and commentaries that have appeared in academic journals and professional publications. His “Digital Tweed” blog is published by Inside Higher Ed.

In 2002 Green received the first EDUCAUSE Award for Leadership in Public Policy and Practice.