UMaine, UMM cited in Maine Public report on keeping skilled workers in state

A partnership between the University of Maine and the University of Maine at Machias was cited in the Maine Public report, “How the UMaine System is trying to keep young, skilled workers in state.” By the time Philip Parent, a first-year student at the University of Maine at Machias, applied to UMaine’s College of Engineering, all of the spots had been filled, according to the article. About a month later, a university counselor called Parent to offer him the option of attending UMM instead, then transferring to UMaine a few semesters later with enough credits to eventually get an engineering degree, the report  states. “So far I really like it here,” Parent said. UMaine officials said they hope this kind of collaborative effort among the state’s seven public universities will help keep more students in the state, Maine Public reported.