WVII reports on new community renewable energy website

WVII (Channel 7) reported on a recently launched website developed by University of Maine researchers. The website features a database of more than 6,000 community-based renewable energy projects nationwide. The website will aid those interested in pursuing group, shared, municipal or nonprofit energy projects to connect, learn from each other and develop. “Mainers can look at Maine specifically; they can filter for just Maine projects. So, for example, if a principal is looking to put solar on their schools, they could search for solar schools in Maine and see who else is putting solar on their schools, and then connect with them,” said assistant professor Sharon Klein of the UMaine School of Economics and lead scientist on the project. It took three years to compile the data and create the U.S. Community Energy Website (USCEW), developed through a grant from the UMaine Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions, WVII reported.