BDN quotes LaCroix in article about proposed concealed handgun bill

Roland LaCroix, University of Maine’s chief of police, was quoted in a Bangor Daily News report about a proposed bill that would require Maine’s universities, community colleges and Maine Maritime Academy to allow people to carry concealed handguns on campus. The Legislature’s Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs held a recent public hearing on the bill, where it met widespread resistance from higher education and public safety officials, according to the article. “Based on my 40 years in law enforcement, I know that when there are more guns allowed, there is more risk and less safety,” LaCroix said. In the event of a report of shots fired or another type of an attack on campus, LaCroix said campus and other area police departments would be ready to respond quickly, but that having multiple people on campus armed with guns could cause more confusion and put the safety of people who are trying to intervene at risk.