Media preview 23rd annual HOPE Festival

The Weekly and WABI (Channel 5) reported on the 23rd annual HOPE Festival that will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 8 at the New Balance Student Recreation Center on the University of Maine campus. “The festival is an opportunity to pursue [the Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine’s] goal of progressive movement-building in our community by making visible the underlying connections between groups working individually toward social change. It is a chance to generate connections and network among organizations, groups and individuals seeking ways to affect change around causes they care about,” event organizers told The Weekly. In addition to the Peace and Justice Center of Eastern Maine, the free event is sponsored by the Peace and Reconciliation Studies program at UMaine, ReVision Energy, Pine Tree Youth Organizing, and Maine Initiatives, according to the article. Event organizer Andrea Simoneau also spoke about the festival on WVII (Channel 7).