Bangor Symphony Orchestra, Emera Astronomy Center partner to offer Star Wars mini concerts
The Bangor Symphony Orchestra will provide live musical introductions before two Friday evening public programs in February at the University of Maine’s Emera Astronomy Center. Feb. 3 and Feb. 24, BSO musicians will perform works from Star Wars movies to open the center’s public program “Stars,” narrated by the actor Mark Hamill. The program explores the life cycles of stars and includes a live tour of the night sky as viewed from Maine.
“It’s a nice way to partner with other community organizations and bring in new audiences for each entity,” says Shawn Laatsch, director of the Emera Astronomy Center, home of the Jordan Planetarium. “That’s something I’ve been focused on since arriving at UMaine given our facility is now digital and can do a variety of immersive visualization.”
A BSO string quartet will perform Feb. 3; BSO brass will perform Feb. 24. UMaine students will offer a Star Wars mini concert, with help from BSO musicians, before the public program Feb. 10.
The collaboration between Emera Astronomy Center and BSO preludes the orchestra’s pops concerts, “The Music of Star Wars,” March 4–5 at the Collins Center for the Arts.
“The Bangor Symphony is always excited to bring music to unexpected places, and with our upcoming performances in March of ‘The Music of Star Wars,’ the planetarium was a great fit,” says Brian Hinrichs, executive directory of the Bangor Symphony Orchestra.
Tickets for “Stars” are $6 for adults; $5 for UMaine students, senior citizens and military veterans; and $4 for children under age 12.
Tickets are available online or by visiting or calling the Emera Astronomy Center box office, 207.581.1341.
Contact: Jay Field, 207.581.3721; 207.338.8068