Bishop speaks at Bangor library about editing King’s latest book, WABI reports

WABI (Channel 5) covered a Bangor Public Library talk by Jim Bishop, one of author Stephen King’s English teachers at the University of Maine. In addition to editing King’s latest book, “Hearts in Suspension,” Bishop also wrote an essay in the book that details what life was like on campus in the late 1960s, according to the report. Bishop spoke about the book’s road to publication and collaborating with King on the project, which he calls the culmination of years of work. “You had to not only get back 50 years and reconstruct 50-year-old memories, you had to put yourself back or try to put yourself back into that way of seeing, that way of thinking, that way of speaking, that way of relating,” Bishop said. “Hearts in Suspension” was published by the University of Maine Press, a division of UMaine’s Fogler Library.