Twenty-five students in Mexico’s Proyecta 100,000 initiative to take part in IEI program

Beginning in mid-October, 25 Mexican students will be on campus for a four-week English language program, offered by the Intensive English Institute. This is the third program IEI has hosted for students participating in Mexico’s Proyecta 100,000 initiative, which provides government-sponsored scholarships to study English and pursue short-term academic work in the United States. The goal of Proyecta 100,000 is to send 100,000 Mexican students to the U.S. and receive 50,000 U.S. students in Mexico by 2018. The students from colleges and universities throughout Mexico will be at UMaine Oct. 13 through Nov. 12, living near campus and enrolled in IEI’s intensive English and American cultural program. In the past two years, 75 students from Mexico have joined the UMaine community for the program.