WABI, WLBZ cover vigil to remember police brutality victims

WABI (Channel 5) and WLBZ (Channel 2) reported on a vigil organized by the University of Maine’s Black Student Union. Students and faculty gathered on the steps of Fogler Library to remember the man fatally shot by a police officer in Tulsa earlier this month. Organizers said they hope to shine a light on police brutality and racism in cities and towns across the country, including here in Maine, according to WABI. Kirsten Daley, Black Student Union president, and Robert Dana, UMaine’s vice president for student life and dean of students, spoke at the vigil, WLBZ reported. “We know that the society only survives if it can be knitted back together, and so whatever fractures and stress cracks we have, all of those are breaking us apart at the seams and we need to come back together,” Dana said. Black Student Union leaders said their goal is to ensure that people of all backgrounds feel safe on campus and in the larger community, WABI reported. “It’s incredibly amazing to see people my age standing up and demanding change and demanding justice,” Daley said.