Collins Center’s ‘Flames of Inspiration’ sculpture featured in BDN

The Bangor Daily News published a feature article on the restoration and reinstallation of the “Flame of Inspiration” sculpture. The 21-foot-tall bronze chandelier, weighing more than a ton, was on display at the Collins Center for the Arts for about two decades, including when Yo-Yo Ma and Isaac Stern performed at the grand opening in September 1986. But during extensive renovations to the center between 2007 and 2009, the chandelier was removed and placed into storage. Castine sculptor and former University of Maine art professor Clark Fitz-Gerald was commissioned to create the piece with a $50,000 gift from the UMaine Class of 1942, according to the article. Metal sculptor and artist Stephen Fitz-Gerald, the late artist’s son, has been restoring the piece at his father’s former studio in Castine. Critical to the restoration project was the early interest and support of UMaine President Susan J. Hunter, said Danny Williams, executive director of the CCA. “As a class gift, she said it was essential to honor it as best we can,” he said, adding President Hunter authorized initial university funding to bring the piece out of storage. On Sept. 17, during the opening night gala of the CCA’s 2016–2017 performance season, “The Flames of Inspiration” will be raised to its new position, with speeches and a dedication, the article states.