WABI reports on Warhol-inspired student art at Hudson Museum

WABI (Channel 5) reported on the University of Maine’s Hudson Museum exhibit, “Wabanaki Portraits from the Indian Island School.” The exhibit features Andy Warhol-inspired photographic silkscreen self-portraits created by eighth-graders at the Indian Island School. Several Warhol pieces on loan from the University of Maine Museum of Art in Bangor also are included in the exhibit which runs through August. “It’s kind of like what Warhol said himself with the 15 seconds of fame — that whole concept of famous photographs — kind of like the Kardashians today. Marilyn Monroe was that kind of figure back then,”  Michael E. Vermette, an art teacher at Indian Island School, told WABI. “So that’s what we were trying to do; is have them take a look at their portrait and their fame, and I think seeing themselves in a museum — we’re hoping they’re going to have that impact.” An opening reception for the show will be held 5–6:30 p.m. Thursday, July 14.