New MaineCards available
The MaineCard has a new look and, for residential students, greater technological capabilities. During Summer Orientation, new students received the next generation of MaineCard, complete with UMaine’s Black Bear logo and tapping technology for use in resident halls and in accessing services, such as meal plans and laundry facilities. All new members of the UMaine community, including faculty and staff, will be issued the new MaineCard. Existing classic MaineCards now held by most UMaine community members are valid and will continue to be accepted. Commuter students and employees with classic MaineCards can upgrade to the new design for $5; current on-campus residents are encouraged to upgrade to the new MaineCard free of charge.
The MaineCard Service Center, 130 Memorial Union, is open weekdays, 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. For more information:; 581.CARD;