Jackson’s Art Blog interviews Groce about her work, printmaking process
Jackson’s Art Blog, a website of Jackson’s Art Supplies, published an interview with Susan Groce, an art professor at the University of Maine. The article referred to Groce as “one of the pioneers of environmentally safer printmaking in the United States.” After spending time at Edinburgh Printmakers at the start of the nontoxic printmaking movement, Groce returned to the United States over a decade ago to lead the UMaine Department of Art’s transition into safer printmaking processes, according to the article. “From my perspective, I see more and more programs and individual artists becoming knowledgeable and well versed in incorporating greener materials,” Groce said. “I do believe it is becoming more mainstream — as with anything — if greener product results are equal to or better than the more hazardous materials and the costs are either comparative or cheaper — why choose otherwise?”