WABI covers Jr. Bears Triathlon

WABI (Channel 5) reported on the second annual Jr. Bears Triathlon that was held on the University of Maine campus. Nearly 100 children 6–14 years old were expected to take part in the fundraiser for Black Bear Aquatics, a competition-based swimming and diving team located at UMaine’s Wallace Pool. During the event, athletes swam in the Wallace Pool and biked and ran on closed roads and paths. Organizers told WABI it’s important to introduce children to swimming and other sports at a young age. “I think they’ll take away that it’s a lifelong activity that they can do for a long time. They’re going to have a lot of fun and their parents are going to have a lot of fun,” organizer Belle Ryder said. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the UMaine swimming and diving program, according to the report. The Weekly also reported on the event.