Nearly 100 children expected at Jr. Bears Triathlon

Nearly 100 children are expected to take part in the second annual Jr. Bears Triathlon that will be held on the University of Maine campus 9 a.m. Saturday, June 4.

The Jr. Bears Triathlon is a fundraiser for Black Bear Aquatics (BBA), a competition-based swimming and diving team located at UMaine’s Wallace Pool. BBA aims to provide technical development and racing skills for all age levels. The group has a growing youth team as well as a Black Bear Masters team for swimmers 18 and older.

The triathlon is open to children 6–14 years old. Athletes will swim in the Wallace Pool and bike and run on closed roads and paths. Participants who are 6–9 years old will swim 50 yards, bike one mile and run half a mile. Those who are 10–14 years old will cover twice the distance with a 100-yard swim, 2.3-mile bike ride and mile run.

Trophies will be awarded to top age group finishers, and all participants will receive a finisher’s medal.

Online registration is available for $30 per athlete until 9 p.m. June 1. Race-day registration also will be available for $40 from 7:30–8 a.m.

A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the UMaine swimming and diving program. Event organizers say the BBA is fortunate to use the UMaine facilities and to have top-quality collegiate athletes that their youth swimmers and divers admire.

More than 70 children from around the state participated in last year’s inaugural race. As of June 1, 88 participants had registered for the event.

This year, BBA is partnering with the Black Bear Race Series, organizers of the second annual Black Bear Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K to be held on June 5. Offering the triathlon the same weekend as the race provides an opportunity for children of runners to participate in their own event on the UMaine campus.

More information about the Jr. Bears Triathlon is available on Facebook, BBA’s website or by contacting organizer Jen Tyne at, 944.7899.