WLBZ interviews Vice President Dana about anti-Semitic fliers sent to campus

Robert Dana, vice president for student life and dean of students at the University of Maine, spoke with WLBZ (Channel 2) about anti-Semitic fliers that were sent to UMaine’s network-connected printers and fax machines. UMaine was among several universities across the country that received the fliers. A representative of the Anti-Defamation League said a neo-Nazi group appears to have hacked into school information systems in what might be a new tactic among hate groups, the Portland Press Herald reported. “Well, it’s certainly a new frontier — high technology and its ability. It’s different than putting a flier on a car or posting one,” Dana told WLBZ, adding the hateful messages will not be tolerated on campus and hopes in the coming weeks, the community can discuss how to move forward. “We’ll engage these difficult issues and have these difficult conversations because this allows our students to understand that they’re the change agent, they’re the people who can push back on this kind of hate,” said Dana, who also spoke with WABI (Channel 5). The Associated Press and Bangor Daily News also reported on the incident.