Water on Mars focus of Phi Kappa Phi panel discussion

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi at the University of Maine will present a panel discussion on “Water on Mars” at 3 p.m. Friday, Nov. 20 at the Emera Astronomy Center.

The talk will focus on the recent discovery of water flows on the planet and what may be ahead for human exploration of the solar system. Questions that will be discussed include: “Is or was there life on this planet?” “What do the geological features and chemical evidence tell us about the past and present?” and “What are some challenges for interplanetary travel to Mars?”

Panelists will include UMaine professors David Batuski from the Department of Physics and Astronomy, James Fastook from the School of Computing and Information Science, and Stephen Norton from the School of Earth and Climate Sciences.

All are welcome. Registration for the free event is online. A live stream will be available on YouTube.

For more information or to request a disability accommodation, email PKP president Ali Abedi at cugr@maine.edu.