Turning Maine’s Challenges into Opportunities
I currently work with manufacturers in the State of Maine, helping to sell their products online in the global marketplace. Prior to that, I worked at Eureka! Ranch, one of the co-developers of Innovation Engineering, a program that is housed at the University of Maine.
I graduated University of Maine, undergrad class of 2012. It was a broad-spectrum experience. It was framed in a way that was a toolkit.
Here’s a toolkit. Here’s a system you can take to identify opportunities, to communicate those opportunities, and to make them real. We call them “Create, Communicate, Commercialize.” Regardless of whatever industry you’re in, those can be applied, and that was the training. Here’s what you want to do in life, and here is the toolkit to make that real.
Every challenge creates 10 opportunities. What I’ve been seeing here, and what I think the University has really excelled at, is helping to train people in giving them the skills and the tools they need to look at those challenges as opportunities and then to take action. Opportunity is useless unless somebody acts on it.
The University is the catalyst that’s really starting to make that happen. If I hadn’t gone to the University of Maine, I certainly wouldn’t be here with such positive a attitude about Maine’s future.