Bangor Metro cites Leahy as inspiration for starting Waldo County wood bank
Bangor Metro reported Waldo County resident Bob MacGregor was inspired to start a wood bank after reading a Bangor Daily News editorial last November by Jessica Leahy, a professor of human dimensions of natural resources at the University of Maine. “In the first paragraph she described a wood bank as, essentially, a food bank, just with firewood, and I thought, ‘Well, that’s sure something we could pretty easily do,” MacGregor said. Last winter, MacGregor and a few other volunteers founded the Waldo County Woodshed, according to the article. Though it got started about halfway through the season, the group gave out about 20 cords of wood to families and individuals that had a hard time affording enough firewood to heat their homes, the article states. For the winter of 2015–2016, the nonprofit plans to collect and give out at least 100 cord of wood.