Pie Bake-off at Cumberland County Extension Meeting
Cumberland County Extension Association (CCEA) will hold its annual meeting 6 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 9 at the University of Maine Regional Learning Center, 75 Clearwater Drive, Falmouth.
An hour before the public meeting, a light meal will be served, including dessert featuring entries from the annual pie bake-off. Sponsored by King Arthur Flour, the contest is open to all attendees, and recipes will be included in a Cumberland County UMaine Extension cookbook.
The program includes a talk by Maine State Sen. Justin Alfond on “Growing Maine’s Agricultural Future: Kids and Local Food,” the election of CCEA officers, and recognition of UMaine Extension volunteers.
More information and guidelines for the pie bake-off are available online; by calling 781.6099 or 800.287.1471; or emailing extension.cumberland@maine.edu. To request a disability accommodation, call 781.6099.