Sustainability Exhibit Coming to Bangor June 5 as Part of Artwalk
The University of Maine Office of Sustainability has been selected to be one of the 100 curators nationwide of the Lexicon of Sustainability pop-up shows — art exhibitions designed to spur community dialogue to help strengthen local food systems.
The next pop-up show will be hosted June 5 at COESPACE, 48 Columbia St., Bangor. The exhibit will be open at noon, and from 5—9 p.m. as part of the Bangor Artwalk.
Collaborating on the exhibit is the Bangor Area Food Council. Members are expected to be on hand to provide information.
The Lexicon of Sustainability, founded in 2009 by farmers and filmmakers Douglas Gayeton and Laura Howard-Gayeton, focuses on sharing stories that explain sustainability. Lexicon uses information artworks, pop-up shows, street art, short films series and other formats to educate and engage people to pay closer attention to how they eat, what they buy and where their responsibility begins for creating a healthier, safer food system in America. Nearly 200 leaders in food and farming from across the country have shared their experiences as part of Lexicon of Sustainability.
Annually, Lexicon offers 100 artwork sets to curators. UMaine and the other 2015 curators each will organize at least five pop-up art shows that involve local communities, then will act as lending libraries to schools and community groups.
At UMaine, the Sustainability Office is collaborating in its shows with the Humanities Center and the Innovative Media Research and Commercialization (IMRC) Center.