MPBN Interviews Brewer About Chellie Pingree’s Win

The Maine Public Broadcasting Network spoke with Mark Brewer, a political science professor at the University of Maine, for a report about Democrat Chellie Pingree winning her fourth term representing Maine’s 1st District. Brewer said Pingree could potentially end up in a leadership role in Congress. “What’s really stood out to me the most about Pingree and her time there is that she has made herself really a centrally important member to her party’s operations in the House,” Brewer said. “She is someone who other members of the party turn to for assistance, whether it’s assistance in terms of policy or in terms of re-elections.” Brewer also was quoted in a U.S. News & World Report published earlier on Election Day titled “The status quo election: Even if the GOP wins the Senate, gridlock likely will continue.” Brewer said he would be “stunned if we get anything that can even remotely be considered a clear message” from the American electorate, according to the article. “It’s not a wave [election], and the only reason the Republicans are going to control, or come close to controlling the Senate, is that the cycle worked out for them,” he added.