Brewer Quoted in MPBN Report on Cutler’s Gubernatorial Campaign

Mark Brewer, a political science professor at the University of Maine, was interviewed by the Maine Public Broadcasting Network for a report titled, “Cutler campaign faces collapse as supporters retreat,” about independent gubernatorial candidate Eliot Cutler. Cutler held a press conference six days before the election where he said he intends to stay in the race, but that he’s a realist and understands his chances of winning are slim. He told supporters who worry he cannot win to vote “their conscience.” Brewer said the timing of Cutler’s statements and the close race between Republican Gov. Paul LePage and Democratic candidate U.S. Rep. Mike Michaud will push many of his supporters to vote for Michaud if their primary goal is to defeat the incumbent. Brewer said Cutler’s main message was, “I can’t win this race, so if you need some kind of a release from me to go ahead and change your vote — go ahead and do it.”