Hunter Named UMaine’s Next President, Media Report
The Associated Press, Maine Public Broadcasting Network, Bangor Daily News, Portland Press Herald, WLBZ (Channel 2), WABI (Channel 5) and WVII (Channel 7) were among news organizations to report on University of Maine System Chancellor James Page’s announcement that he has selected Susan Hunter as the next president of the University of Maine. Hunter most recently served as vice chancellor for academic affairs for all seven universities in the system, and was UMaine’s executive vice president for academic affairs and provost from 2008 to 2013. She will be UMaine’s first female president and will serve a two-year appointment beginning July 7. “There is no greater honor than being named to lead the institution where I have spent essentially my whole career,” Hunter said. Howard Segal, a UMaine history professor who sits on the executive committee of the Faculty Senate, told the Press Herald he thinks Hunter is a “good choice.” Boston Herald, SFGate, NECN, Seacoast Online and The Republic carried the AP report.