Retention, Graduation Focus of Second Academic Faculty Forum on Feb. 3
Provost Jeff Hecker will lead the second of three Academic Faculty Forums 3–4 p.m. Feb. 3 in the Bangor Room of the Memorial Union. The forum will focus on retention and graduation.
The third forum is scheduled for March 31.
In year three of the Blue Sky Project, the focus is on integrating the plan’s strategies and goals into the organizational structure of the university. Just as the Blue Sky Strategic Plan was developed through an inclusive process, integration will emerge through collaboration.
Over the course of the academic year, the Provost’s Office, in collaboration with the Faculty Senate leadership, is holding a series of Academic Affairs Faculty Forums. The forums are designed to create a venue for meaningful sharing of ideas about important initiatives in Academic Affairs. Collaboration between the faculty and administration of the university is essential if we are to advance toward our strategic goals.
A website has been developed to extend the collaboration beyond the public meeting. Relevant materials have been posted and there is a space where faculty members can submit reactions, comments or questions generated by the forum. Additional information, including a summary of key topics discussed at the forum, will be added after Feb. 3. The website is linked on the Provost’s Web page.