Students, Businesses Preparing for 2013 UMaine Career Fair
As many as 1,000 University of Maine students and more than 103 businesses, firms and organizations are preparing for the 2013 Career Fair from 10 a.m.–3 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 30 at the New Balance Student Recreation Center. Coordinated this year by the UMaine Career Center and the School of Forest Resources, the annual event connects employers with students, who often find seasonal, part-time or permanent jobs, in addition to internships, through career fair introductions.
The number of registered companies is up from 87 participating businesses last year, according to Career Center Director Patty Counihan. The fair is attracting more Maine businesses looking to expand as the economy improves, and also businesses in need of science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills, she says. This year’s fair also incorporates the career fair previously held separately by the UMaine School of Forestry.
The Career Center website has details, including a list of registered businesses and tips for students. For more information, or to request disability accommodations, call the Career Center, 207.581.1359.