Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center to Honor Maine Chamber President Connors
The Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center at the University of Maine will honor Dana Connors, president of the Maine State Chamber of Commerce, as a Distinguished Maine Policy Fellow on Thursday, Sept. 27.
At 2 p.m., Connors will lead a seminar, “The Role of a State Chamber in Economic Development: Examples from Maine,” in the Bangor Room of the Memorial Union.
The Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center Distinguished Maine Policy Fellows Program brings distinguished Maine policy leaders to campus to share their expertise and experience with the University of Maine community. Distinguished Maine Policy Fellows are individuals with a past or current career as a policymaker in the state.
Since 1994, Connors has served as president of the Maine State Chamber of Commerce, the state’s most respected and influential business advocacy organization, representing more than 5,000 small and large businesses statewide. Prior to joining the Maine State Chamber, Connors served as commissioner of the Maine Department of Transportation and city manager of Presque Isle. Connors is a native of Easton and a UMaine alumnus who received a bachelor’s degree in public management.
Contact: Mary Cathcart. (207) 944-1411; Jessica Bloch, (207) 581-3777 or