Digitized War Poster Collection Now Online

Hundreds of World War I and II posters are now online thanks to a collaboration between UMaine’s Fogler Library and the Bangor Public Library.   

The 800 posters in the collection – believed to be among the country’s largest collections of war posters – were digitized in the past year and most are now accessible through the Bangor Public Library website. The Fogler Library web server is hosting the online collection.

Eventually, the entire collection will be online and the public will be able to purchase full-size prints and high-resolution digital images of the posters, with proceeds benefitting the Bangor Public Library’s plan to conserve the original war posters. Many of the originals are too fragile to be displayed.

The public can search the collection by subject area, such as “Home Front,” “Morale” and “Women”

Eugene Daigle, Fogler Library’s manager of network services, and his wife Barbara, who are both veterans and UMaine alumni, underwrote the digitization project.

The Bangor Public Library amassed its collection of war posters through the efforts of then-librarian L. Felix Ranlett, a World War I veteran who collected them as they were released.

Go to http://www.bpl.lib.me.us/WarPosters/warpostersindex.html to access the collection.

Contact: Jessica Bloch, (207) 581-3777 or jessica.bloch@umit.maine.edu