Restorative School Discipline Institute Planned

The University of Maine’s Peace & Reconciliation Studies is co-sponsoring with the Restorative Justice Project of the Midcoast its third annual Summer Institute in Restorative School Practices, June 28-30, at the Augusta Civic Center.

The three-day institute will introduce participants to restorative school practices and restorative discipline. Within a whole school approach, these practices build caring school communities that support students, staff and administrators in feeling connected and respected, which enhances learning outcomes, says Barb Blazej, a peace studies program lecturer at the University of Maine and director of the UMaine Youth Violence Prevention Project.

Under restorative discipline practices, school discipline becomes part of a learning environment emphasizing accountability and support, rather than punishment and exclusion. The institute will include presentations, discussion, activities, hands-on practice, videos, a panel of teachers and administrators using restorative practices, and opportunities to experience the “community circle” process.

Circles have been used frequently to address student and teacher relationships, according to Penny Linn and Mary Ann Nyman, teachers at Winslow Junior High School. They provide an opportunity to clarify communication by offering a forum outside of the classroom facilitated by a neutral individual, the women say. Last year, a student believed her teacher was not treating her fairly and became frustrated and disruptive in the classroom. She requested a circle, which successfully allowed the student to voice her feelings and point of view, and in turn, the student heard the same from the teacher.

Jen Cyr of the Joseph A. Leonard Middle School in Old Town says the circles empower students and result in rich conversations and multi-faceted lessons.

“Whether I’m observing or participating, each time I walk away, I am more firmly convinced that restorative practices are more than a philosophy,” Cyr says. “At LMS, the circle has come to symbolize our strength, respect and trust as a learning community.  It has elevated our school both academically and behaviorally.”

Additional information is available on the Restorative School Practices website, or by calling Blazej at
(207) 581-2625. The registration deadline is June 3.

Contact: Barb Blazej, (207) 581-2625